Wells Needed for Pike County Groundwater Study
The Pike County Conservation District is leading an effort to establish a County-wide Observation Well Network to monitor groundwater levels.
are currently seeking landowners in Pike County willing to make their wells
available for monthly water level measurements from 2007-2009.
To be eligible, a well must be:
1. No longer in use
--- or ---
2. A low use well for:
a. An infrequently visited seasonal use residence
b. A hunting cabin
--- or ---
3. A back up well that is not in use
If you have a low use well, or a well that is not in use, please contact John Jose at the Conservation District for more in formation. With your cooperation, we can make this very worthwhile project a success!
Telephone: 570-226-8220 or
Email: jjose@pikepa.org
The establishment of this Well Network is part of a broader “Pike County Comprehensive Groundwater Assessment”, a project funded by a PA DEP Growing Greener grant and the Pike County Commissioners. Project Partners include the Pike County Conservation District, U.S. Geological Survey, County Office of Community Planning, Pike County Commissioners, and supporting municipalities and residents.