Planning Commissioners Attend Intense Training


A well trained staff has always been the goal of Dingman Township and the Township's Planning Commission is no exception.  At the September 26th Commission meeting, it was announced that Commissioners Tom Koenig, Theo Balu, Scott Brancy, and Alternate Commissioner Jeanne Zingaro had attended and passed the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Education Institute's "Course in Community Planning".  The rigorous three day course was sponsored by the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Boroughs Association. 

As described by the PMPEI, the course taught the participants where the planning commission fits in local government and how planning commissions relate to the governing body, zoning hearing boards, the zoning officer, and other government entities.  The participants also learned of the role that the County Comprehensive Plan, Municipal Comprehensive Plan, Municipalities Planning Code, Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, and Zoning Ordinance play in the proper development of the municipality and the protection of our scenic and natural resources.

The Commission members all agreed that the course was beneficial and gave them a better insight into their role on the Planning Commission.